Ms. Trudy will be working on:
K - I can use creative play to retell a story.
1 - I can use movement to retell a story. I can use my body to create individual constellations. I can work with a partner to collaborate on constellation creations.
2 - I can relate character experiences and emotions from “The Day You Begin” to my own experiences. I can prepare to see the show at Stages by learning choreography to one of the songs.
3 - I can identify simple stage directions ( SL, SR, US, DS,CS) . I can add blocking and gestures to my lines. I can listen quietly for my cue. I can start to memorize my lines. I can review choreography.
4 - I can explore the themes of culture, traditions, peace and empathy through writing and in a group discussion. I can learn and execute choreography.
5 - I can demonstrate my knowledge of Stage directions. I can participate as part of an ensemble.